Assignment 1 – Smooth permutations
Before you begin
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The deadline for the assignment is 2024-02-19 @ 23:59.
After the assignment deadline you will be assigned two peers to review. The deadline for the peer reviews is 2024-02-25 @ 23:59. More information about how to conduct the peer review can be found here.
In this assignment we want to build a library to generate smooth permutations. Given a list of integers xs
and an integer d
, a smooth permutation of xs
with maximum distance d
is a permutation in which the difference of any two consecutive elements is less than d
A naïve implementation just generates all the permutations of a list,
split [] = []
split (x:xs) = (x, xs) : [(y, x:ys) | (y, ys) <- split xs]
perms [] = [[]]
perms xs = [(v:p) | (v, vs) <- split xs, p <- perms vs]
and then filters out those which are smooth,
smooth n (x:y:ys) = abs (y - x) < n && smooth n (y:ys)
smooth _ _ = True
smoothPerms :: Int -> [Int] -> [[Int]]
smoothPerms n xs = filter (smooth n) (perms xs)
Exercise 1 – Packaging and documentation (1 pt)
- Create a library
which exportsperms
from a moduleSmoothPermsSlow
. You should be able to install the package by just runningcabal install
in it. - Document the exported functions using Haddock.
Exercise 2 – Testsuite (1 pt)
- Write a
module with a comprehensive set of properties to check thatsmoothPerms
works correctly. - Integrate your testsuite with Cabal using
(here is how you do so).
Exercise 3 – Implementation with trees (3 pt)
The initial implementation of smoothPerms
is very expensive. A better approach is to build a tree, for which it holds that each path from the root to a leaf corresponds to one of the possible permutations, next prune this tree such that only smooth paths are represented, and finally use this tree to generate all the smooth permutations from. Expose this new implementation in a new SmoothPermsTree
- Define a data type
to represented a permutation tree. - Define a function
which maps a list onto this tree. -
Define a function
which generates all permutations represented by a tree.At this point the
functions given above should be the composition oflistToPermTree
. - Define a function
, which leaves only smooth permutations in the tree. - Redefine the function
Integrate this module in the testsuite you developed in the previous exercise.
Exercise 4 – Unfolds (3 pts)
Recall the definition of unfoldr
for lists,
unfoldr :: (s -> Maybe (a, s)) -> s -> [a]
unfoldr next x = case next x of
Nothing -> []
Just (y, r) -> y : unfoldr next r
We can define an unfold function for binary trees as well:
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving Show
unfoldTree :: (s -> Either a (s, s)) -> s -> Tree a
unfoldTree next x = case next x of
Left y -> Leaf y
Right (l, r) -> Node (unfoldTree next l) (unfoldTree next r)
Define the following functions in a new module UnfoldUtils
, which should not be exposed by your package. Define the functions using unfoldr
or unfoldTree
, as required.
iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
. The calliterate f x
generates the infinite list[x, f x, f (f x), ...]
.map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
.balanced :: Int -> Tree ()
, which generates a balanced binary tree of the given height.sized :: Int -> Tree Int
, which generates any tree with the given number of nodes. Each leaf in the returned tree should have a unique label.
Define a new module SmoothPermsUnfold
with an unfoldPermTree
function which generates a PermTree
as defined in the previous exercise. Then use that unfoldPermTree
to implement a new version of listToPermTree
and smoothPerms
Recap of modules
By the end of exercise 4, you should have a package with the following modules:
, exposed, with the initial slow implementation.SmoothPermsTest
, which contains the QuickCheck tests.SmoothPermsTree
, exposed, with thePermsTree
-based implementation.UnfoldUtils
, hidden.SmoothPermsUnfold
, exposed, with theunfold
-based implementation.
Exercise 5 – Proofs (2 pts)
Write the following proofs as comments in the UnfoldUtils
- Prove using induction and equational reasoning that the version of
you defined usingunfoldr
coincides with the definition ofmap
by recursion. -
We define the
of a binary tree as the number of internal nodes.size (Leaf _) = 0 size (Node l r) = 1 + size l + size r
What is the
of a balanced tree as generated bybalanced
? Prove your result using induction and equational reasoning.