Assignment 2 – Monads and Applicatives
The GitHub Classrooms link for this assignment is here
The deadline for the assignment is 2024-02-28 @ 23:59. The deadline for the reviews of this assignment is 2024-03-06 @ 23:59.
- Each requested instance is worth half a point. Since there are 5 classes times 3 types = 15 instances, the first two sections are 7,5 points in total.
- The exercise with
is worth 1,5 points. - The exercise with
is worth 1 point.
Functors, applicative and monad
Given the standard type classes for functors, applicative functors and monads:
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
class Functor f => Applicative f where
pure :: a -> f a
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
class Applicative f => Monad f where
return :: a -> f a
(>>=) :: f a -> (a -> f b) -> f b
Give instances for all three classes for the following data types:
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
data RoseTree a = RoseNode a [RoseTree a] | RoseLeaf
data Teletype a = Get (Char -> Teletype a)
| Put Char (Teletype a)
| Return a
If no instance exists or if the instance requires certain preconditions to function correctly, please state so in your code explicitly.
Foldable & traversable
Also give instances for the Foldable
and Traversable
class Foldable t where
foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
class Traversable t where
traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
Maps and keys
Using only methods from the above type classes and lookup
, show how to
define the following function:
lookupAll :: Ord k => [k] -> Data.Map k v -> Maybe [v]
This should return Just vs
if all the argument keys occur in the
map, and Nothing
Also define the following variant:
lookupSome :: Ord k => [k] -> Data.Map k v -> [v]
that returns the list of values for which a key exists. You may want
to use functions from Data.Maybe
to complete this definition.
Use foldMap
to define a generic filter function:
gfilter :: Foldable f => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> [a]