Generated by SSM 2.2.0 (June 16, 2015) at Tue Jun 16 17:19:15 CEST 2015
add, ajs, and, annote, bra, brf, brt, bsr, code, div, eq, False, ge, gt, halt, heap, heappointer, help, HP, instruction, jsr, labels, lda, ldaa, ldc, ldh, ldl, ldla, ldma, ldmh, ldml, ldms, ldr, ldrr, lds, ldsa, le, link, lt, markpointer, memory, mod, MP, mul, ne, neg, nop, not, or, PC, programcounter, registers, ret, return, RR, SP, sta, stack, stackpointer, sth, stl, stma, stmh, stml, stms, str, sts, sub, swp, swpr, swprr, syntax, trap, True, unlink, xor
Semantics: add
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
add | 0 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Addition. Replaces 2 top stack values with the addition of those values.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre - 1] + M_pre[SP_pre]
ldl 2 ; increment local var
ldc 1
stl 2
Semantics: ajs
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
ajs | 1 | instruction dependent | 0 | 0x64 |
Adjust Stack. Adjusts the stackpointer with fixed amount.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre + M_post[PC_pre+1]
ajs -2 ;lower stack by 2
Semantics: and
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
and | 0 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
And. Replaces 2 top stack values with the bitwise and of those values.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre - 1] & M_pre[SP_pre]
ldc 0xFF00 ; variant of ldc 0xF000
ldc 0xF0F0
Semantics: annote
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
annote | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0xff |
Annotate. A meta instruction (not producing code), annotating the stack display in the user interface with text and color. Annote takes 5 arguments, (1) a register name, (2) a low offset w.r.t. the register (used as starting point for annotating), (3) a high offset, (4) a color, (5) text. Color can be one of {black, blue, cyan, darkGray, gray, green, lightGray, magenta, orange, pink, red, yellow}. Text including spaces need to be enclosed in double quotes. The annote instruction is tied to the preceding (non-meta) instruction and will be performed immediately after the execution of that instruction.
Pre and Post State
annote SP -1 0 red "Pushed constants" ; annote top 2 stack values
Semantics: bra
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
bra | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0x68 |
Branch Allways. Jumps to the destination. Replaces the PC with the destination address.
Pre and Post State
PC_post = PC_pre + M_pre[PC_pre + 1] + 2
bra main
subroutine ldc 1
ldc 2
str RR
main: bsr subroutine
ldr RR
Semantics: brf
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
brf | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0x6c |
Branch on False. If a False value is on top of the stack, jump to the destination.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
PC_post = PC_pre + M_pre[PC_pre + 1] + 2 (if false on top of the stack)
ldc 2
ldc 3
brf FalseAction
Semantics: brt
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
brt | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0x6d |
Branch on True. If a True value is on top of the stack, jump to the destination.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
PC_post = PC_pre + M_pre[PC_pre + 1] + 2 (if true on top of the stack)
Semantics: bsr
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
bsr | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x70 |
Branch to subroutine. Pushes the PC on the stack and jumps to the subroutine.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre + 1
M_post[SP_post] = PC_pre + 2
PC_post = PC_pre + M_pre[PC_pre + 1] + 2
bra main
subroutine ldc 1
ldc 2
str RR
main: bsr subroutine
ldr RR
General: code
Code is the part of memory used to store instructions. It starts at address 0.
Semantics: div
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
div | 0 | 2 | 1 | 4 |
Division. Replaces 2 top stack values with the division of those values.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre - 1] / M_pre[SP_pre]
ldl -1 ; divide and leave on stack
ldc 3
Semantics: eq
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
eq | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0xe |
Test for equal. Replaces 2 top stack values with boolean result of the test. False is encoded as 0, True as 1. Used in combination with brf. This is a variant of cmp combined with beq.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre - 1] == M_pre[SP_pre]
ldc 2
ldc 3
brf FalseAction
General: False
Value False is encoded by a 0.
Semantics: ge
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
ge | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0x13 |
Test for greater or equal. Replaces 2 top stack values with boolean result of the test. False is encoded as 0, True as 1. Used in combination with brf. This is a variant of cmp combined with bge.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre - 1] >= M_pre[SP_pre]
ldc 2
ldc 3
brf FalseAction
Semantics: gt
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
gt | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0x11 |
Test for greater then. Replaces 2 top stack values with boolean result of the test. False is encoded as 0, True as 1. Used in combination with brf. This is a variant of cmp combined with bgt.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre - 1] > M_pre[SP_pre]
ldc 2
ldc 3
brf FalseAction
Semantics: halt
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
halt | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0x74 |
Halt execution. Machine stops executing instructions.
Pre and Post State
General: heap
Heap is the part of memory used to store composite values. The heap is located after the stack and grows from lower addresses to higher ones.
General: heappointer
The heappointer (HP) is used to remember the next free address of the heap. After every store to the heap, the heappointer is incremented with the size of stored values.
General: help
The Simple Stack Machine Interpreter executes instructions for a hypothetical (and thus simple) machine. See memory, registers, syntax, instruction as starting points for help.
General: HP
The heappointer (HP) is used to remember the next free address of the heap. After every store to the heap, the heappointer is incremented with the size of stored values.
General: instruction
An instruction is an encoding of some operation, executed in the machine. A set of instructions stored in memory is called the code. Some instructions have inline operands, that is, after their location in the code an extra operand is stored, a constant, e.g. in "ldc 1". In pre/post conditions this location is indicated by M[PCpre+1] since it can be found on that location. The behavior of an instruction is both informally described as well as using pre/postcondifitions.
Semantics: jsr
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
jsr | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0x78 |
Jump to subroutine. Pops a destination from the stack, pushes the PC on the stack and jumps to the destination.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre
PC_post = M_pre[SP_pre]
M_post[SP_post] = PC_pre + 1
bra main
subroutine ldc 1
ldc 2
str RR
main: ldc subroutine
ldr RR
General: labels
A label is an identifier indicating a position in the code. When loading, the code location of a label is calculated (called resolution). This is done in the user interface of the program and after loading labels are not kept consistent (when adding new instructions for example).
Semantics: lda
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
lda | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0x7c |
Load via Address. Dereferencing. Pushes the value pointed to by the value at the top of the stack. The pointer value is offset by a constant offset.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[M_pre[SP_pre] + M_pre[PC_pre+1]]
ldla -2 ; a different way of doing ldl -2
lda 0
Semantics: ldaa
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
ldaa | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0x80 |
Load Address of Address. Pushes the address of a value relative to the address on top of the stack. This instruction effectively adds a constant to the top of the stack.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre
M_post[SP] = M_pre[SP] + M_pre[PC_pre+1]
ldaa -2
Semantics: ldc
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
ldc | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x84 |
Load Constant. Pushes the inline constant on the stack.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre + 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[PC_pre+1]
ldl 2 ; increment local var
ldc 1
stl 2
Semantics: ldh
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
ldh | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0xd0 |
Load from Heap. Pushes a value pointed to by the value at the top of the stack. The pointer value is offset by a constant offset.
Pre and Post State
ldc 5
ldh 0
Semantics: ldl
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
ldl | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x88 |
Load Local. Pushes a value relative to the markpointer.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre + 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[MP_pre + M_pre[PC_pre+1]]
ldl -1 ; divide and leave on stack
ldc 3
Semantics: ldla
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
ldla | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x8c |
Load Local Address. Pushes the address of a value relative to the markpointer.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre + 1
M_post[SP_post] = MP_pre + M_pre[PC_pre+1]
ldla -2 ; update local using its address
ldc 5
sta 0
Semantics: ldma
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
ldma | 2 | 1 | instruction dependent | 0x7e |
Load Multiple via Address. Pushes values relative to by the value at the top of the stack. Same as single load variant but second inline parameter is size.
Pre and Post State
displ = M_pre[PC_pre + 1]
size = M_pre[PC_pre + 2]
SP_post = SP_pre + size - 1
M_post[SP_post - size + 1 .. SP_post] = M_pre[M_pre[SP_pre] + displ .. M_pre[SP_pre] + displ + size - 1]
Semantics: ldmh
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
ldmh | 2 | 1 | instruction dependent | 0xd4 |
Load Multiple from Heap. Pushes values pointed to by the value at the top of the stack. The pointer value is offset by a constant offset. Same as single load variant but the second inline parameter is size.
Pre and Post State
ldc 1
ldc 2
ldc 3
stmh 3
ldmh 0 3
Semantics: ldml
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
ldml | 2 | 0 | instruction dependent | 0x8a |
Load Multiple Local. Pushes values relative to the markpointer. Same as single load variant but second inline parameter is size.
Pre and Post State
displ = M_pre[PC_pre + 1]
size = M_pre[PC_pre + 2]
SP_post = SP_pre + size
M_post[SP_post - size + 1 .. SP_post] = M_pre[MP_pre + displ .. MP_pre + displ + size - 1]
ldml -1 2 ; divide and leave on stack
ldc 3
Semantics: ldms
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
ldms | 2 | 0 | instruction dependent | 0x9a |
Load Multiple from Stack. Pushes values relative to the top of the stack. Same as single load variant but second inline parameter is size.
Pre and Post State
displ = M_pre[PC_pre + 1]
size = M_pre[PC_pre + 2]
SP_post = SP_pre + size
M_post[SP_post - size + 1 .. SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre + displ .. SP_pre + displ + size - 1]
ldms -1 2; multiply and leave on stack
Semantics: ldr
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
ldr | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x90 |
Load Register. Pushes a value from a register. Registers 0, 1, 2 and 3 are called PC (programcounter), SP (stackpointer), MP (markpointer) and RR (return register) respectively.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre + 1
M_post[SP_post] = REG_pre[ M_pre[PC_pre+1] ]
ldr RR ; decrement register
ldc 1
str RR
Semantics: ldrr
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
ldrr | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0x94 |
Load Register from Register. Copy the content of the second register to the first. Does not affect the stack.
Pre and Post State
REG_post[ M_pre[PC_pre+1] ] = REG_pre[ M_pre[PC_pre+2] ]
ldrr SP MP ; SP <- MP
Semantics: lds
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
lds | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x98 |
Load from Stack. Pushes a value relative to the top of the stack.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre + 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre + M_pre[PC_pre+1]]
lds -1 ; multiply and leave on stack
ldc 2
Semantics: ldsa
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
ldsa | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0x9c |
Load Stack Address. Pushes the address of a value relative to the stackpointer.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre + 1
M_post[SP_post] = SP_pre + M_pre[PC_pre+1]
ldsa -2 ; update value on stack using its address
ldc 5
sta 0
Semantics: le
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
le | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0x12 |
Test for less or equal. Replaces 2 top stack values with boolean result of the test. False is encoded as 0, True as 1. Used in combination with brf. This is a variant of cmp combined with ble.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre - 1] <= M_pre[SP_pre]
ldc 2
ldc 3
brf FalseAction
Semantics: link
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
link | 1 | 0 | instruction dependent | 0xa0 |
Reserve memory for locals. Convenience instruction combining the push of MP and the adjustment of the SP.
Pre and Post State
MP_post = SP_pre + 1
M_post[MP_post] = MP_pre
SP_post = MP_post + M_pre[PC_pre+1]
bra main
subroutine link 2 ; reserve for 2 locals
ldc 1
ldc 2
stl 1 ; store in 2nd local
ldl 1
str RR
main: bsr subroutine
ldr RR
Semantics: lt
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
lt | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0x10 |
Test for less then. Replaces 2 top stack values with boolean result of the test. False is encoded as 0, True as 1. Used in combination with brf. This is a variant of cmp combined with blt.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre - 1] < M_pre[SP_pre]
ldc 2
ldc 3
brf FalseAction
General: markpointer
The markpointer (MP) is used to access local variables, allocated on the stack. Each variable is accessed using a displacement relative to the MP.
General: memory
Memory stores words. A word is an 32 bits integer. Currently only a limited amount of memory words is reserver (2000), this is rather arbitrary, in the future memory size will adapt automatically to the amount needed.
Semantics: mod
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
mod | 0 | 2 | 1 | 7 |
Division. Replaces 2 top stack values with the modulo of those values.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre - 1] % M_pre[SP_pre]
ldl -2 ; x = x % y
ldl -3
stl -2
General: MP
The markpointer (MP) is used to access local variables, allocated on the stack. Each variable is accessed using a displacement relative to the MP.
Semantics: mul
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
mul | 0 | 2 | 1 | 8 |
Multiplication. Replaces 2 top stack values with the multiplication of those values.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre - 1] * M_pre[SP_pre]
No info
Semantics: ne
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
ne | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0xf |
Test for not equal. Replaces 2 top stack values with boolean result of the test. False is encoded as 0, True as 1. Used in combination with brf. This is a variant of cmp combined with bne.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre - 1] != M_pre[SP_pre]
ldc 2
ldc 3
brf FalseAction
Semantics: neg
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
neg | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0x20 |
Negation. Replaces top stack values with the (integer) negative of the value.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre
M_post[SP_post] = - M_pre[SP_pre]
ldc 1 ; variant of ldc -1
Semantics: nop
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
nop | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0xa4 |
No operation. Well, guess what...
Pre and Post State
Semantics: not
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
not | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0x21 |
Not. Replaces top stack values with the bitwise complement of the value.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre
M_post[SP_post] = ~ M_pre[SP_pre]
ldc 0x0000FFFF ; variant of ldc 0xFFFF0000
Semantics: or
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
or | 0 | 2 | 1 | 9 |
Or. Replaces 2 top stack values with the bitwise or of those values.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre - 1] | M_pre[SP_pre]
ldc 0xFF00 ; variant of ldc 0xFFFF
ldc 0xF0F0
General: PC
The programcounter (PC) is used to remember what the current next instruction is. It contains the address (i.e. points to) the location of the next instruction. The machine fetches an instruction from the location pointed to by the PC. After each fetch it is automatically updated to point to the next instruction.
General: programcounter
The programcounter (PC) is used to remember what the current next instruction is. It contains the address (i.e. points to) the location of the next instruction. The machine fetches an instruction from the location pointed to by the PC. After each fetch it is automatically updated to point to the next instruction.
General: registers
Eight registers are available, some of which have a specific purpose. A register is private location in a processor, often faster accessible then external memory. Currently the programcounter (PC), stackpointer (SP), markpointer (MP), heappointer (HP), and return register (RR) as well as freely usable scratch registers are available, respectively identified by numbers 0..7. Registers are identified by the name R, where is the register number. Register with a specific purpose are also named with the name indicating their purpose.
Semantics: ret
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
ret | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0xa8 |
Return from subroutine. Pops a previously pushed PC from the stack and jumps to it.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
PC_post = M_pre[SP_pre]
bra main
subroutine ldc 1
ldc 2
str RR
main: bsr subroutine
ldr RR
General: return
General: RR
The return register (RR) is used to return a value without placing it on a stack. Strictly seen this is not necessary but a convenience, since values also can be passed via the stack.
General: SP
The stackpointer (SP) is used to push and pop values for usage in expression evaluation. The stack is also used to store variables. These are often accessed via the MP.
Semantics: sta
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
sta | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0xac |
Store via Address. Pops 2 values from the stack and stores the second popped value in the location pointed to by the first. The pointer value is offset by a constant offset.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 2
M_post[M_pre[SP_pre] + M_pre[PC_pre+1]] = M_pre[SP_pre-1]
ldla -2 ; update local using its address
ldc 5
sta 0
General: stack
Stack is the part of memory used to store values needed for evaluating expressions. The stack is located after the code and grows from lower addresses to higher ones.
General: stackpointer
The stackpointer (SP) is used to push and pop values for usage in expression evaluation. The stack is also used to store variables. These are often accessed via the MP.
Semantics: sth
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
sth | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0xd6 |
Store into Heap. Pops 1 value from the stack and stores it into the heap. Pushes the heap address of that value on the stack.
Pre and Post State
ldc 5
Semantics: stl
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
stl | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0xb0 |
Store Local. Pops a value from the stack and stores it in a location relative to the markpointer.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
M_post[MP_pre + M_pre[PC_pre+1]] = M_pre[SP_pre]
ldl 2 ; increment local var
ldc 1
stl 2
Semantics: stma
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
stma | 2 | instruction dependent | 0 | 0xae |
Store Multiple via Address. Pops values from the stack and stores it in a location relative to the value at the top of the stack. Same as single store variant but second inline parameter is size.
Pre and Post State
displ = M_pre[PC_pre + 1]
size = M_pre[PC_pre + 2]
SP_post = SP_pre - size - 1
M_post[M_pre[SP_pre] + displ .. M_pre[SP_pre] + displ + size - 1] = M_pre[SP_post + 1 .. SP_post + size]
Semantics: stmh
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
stmh | 1 | instruction dependent | 1 | 0xd8 |
Store Multiple into Heap. Pops values from the stack and stores it into the heap, retaining the order of the values. Same as single store variant but the inline parameter is size. Pushes the heap address of the last value on the stack.
Pre and Post State
ldc 1
ldc 2
ldc 3
stmh 3
Semantics: stml
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
stml | 2 | instruction dependent | 0 | 0xb2 |
Store Multiple Local. Pops values from the stack and stores it in a location relative to the markpointer. Same as single store variant but second inline parameter is size.
Pre and Post State
displ = M_pre[PC_pre + 1]
size = M_pre[PC_pre + 2]
SP_post = SP_pre - size
M_post[MP_pre + displ .. MP_pre + displ + size - 1] = M_pre[SP_post + 1 .. SP_post + size]
ldl 2 ; increment local var
ldc 1
stml 2 1 ; equivalent to stl 2
Semantics: stms
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
stms | 2 | instruction dependent | 0 | 0xba |
Store Multiple into Stack. Pops values from the stack and stores it in a location relative to the top of the stack. Same as single store variant but second inline parameter is size.
Pre and Post State
displ = M_pre[PC_pre + 1]
size = M_pre[PC_pre + 2]
SP_post = SP_pre - size
M_post[SP_pre + displ .. SP_pre + displ + size - 1] = M_pre[SP_post + 1 .. SP_post + size]
lds -1 ; substract and store in stack
ldc 2
stms -2 1 ; equivalent to sts -2
Semantics: str
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
str | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0xb4 |
Store Register. Pops a value from the stack and stores it in the specified register. See also ldr.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
REG_post[ M_pre[PC_pre+1] ] = M_pre[SP_pre]
ldr RR ; decrement register
ldc 1
str RR
Semantics: sts
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
sts | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0xb8 |
Store into Stack. Pops a value from the stack and stores it in a location relative to the top of the stack.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
M_post[SP_pre + M_pre[PC_pre+1]] = M_pre[SP_pre]
lds -1 ; substract and store in stack
ldc 2
sts -2
Semantics: sub
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
sub | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0xc |
Substraction. Replaces 2 top stack values with the subtraction of those values.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre - 1] - M_pre[SP_pre]
No info
Semantics: swp
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
swp | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0xbc |
Swap values. Swaps the 2 topmost values on the stack.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre-1]
M_post[SP_post-1] = M_pre[SP_pre]
ldc 1 ; variant for ldc 2 followed by ldc 1
ldc 2
Semantics: swpr
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
swpr | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0xc0 |
Swap Register. Swaps the content of a register with the top of the stack.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre
M_post[SP_post] = REG_pre[ M_pre[PC_pre+1] ]
REG_post[ M_pre[PC_pre+1] ] = M_pre[SP_pre]
Semantics: swprr
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
swprr | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0xc4 |
Swap 2 Registers. Swaps the content of a register with another register.
Pre and Post State
REG_post[ M_pre[PC_pre+1] ] = REG_pre[ M_pre[PC_pre+2] ]
REG_post[ M_pre[PC_pre+2] ] = REG_pre[ M_pre[PC_pre+1] ]
swprr MP R7 ; swap MP with scratch register
General: syntax
Syntax of instructions (as loaded from file) is: (label:)? (instr arg*)?. In other words, an (optional) instruction preceded by an (optional) label and followed by an argument if required. Comment may start with ";" or "//" (Java/C++ style) and ends at the end of the line. This characters are interpreted as start of comment. A label may be used as an argument. Example: "l1: beq l1 ; comment".
Semantics: trap
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
trap | 1 | instruction dependent | instruction dependent | 0xc8 |
Trap to environment function. Trap invokes a systemcall determined by its argument. Currently, trap supports the following system calls: - Pop the topmost element from the stack and print it as an integer.
- Pop the topmost element from the stack and print it as a unicode character.
- Ask the user for an integer input and push it on the stack.
- Ask the user for a unicode character input and push it on the stack.
- Ask the user for a sequence of unicode characters input and push the characters on the stack terminated by a null-character.
- Pop a null-terminated file name from the stack, open the file for reading and push a file pointer on the stack.
- Pop a null-terminated file name from the stack, open the file for writing and push a file pointer on the stack.
- Pop a file pointer from the stack, read a character from the file pointed to by the file pointer and push the character on the stack.
- Pop a character and a file pointer from the stack, write the character to the file pointed to by the file pointer.
- Pop a file pointer from the stack and close the corresponding file.
Pre and Post State
ldc 5
trap 0 ; print 5 on output
General: True
Value True is encoded by a -1 (all 1 bit pattern 0xFFFFFFFF). However, when testing in the context of a BRF instruction takes place, anything else than 0 is considered to be True.
Semantics: unlink
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
unlink | 0 | instruction dependent | 0 | 0xcc |
Free memory for locals. Convenience instruction combining the push of MP and the adjustment of the SP.
Pre and Post State
MP_post = M_pre[MP_pre]
SP_post = MP_pre - 1
bra main
subroutine link 2 ; reserve for 2 locals
ldc 1
ldc 2
stl 1 ; store in 2nd local
ldl 1
str RR
main: bsr subroutine
ldr RR
Semantics: xor
Instruction | Nr of inline Opnds | Nr of stack Opnds | Nr of stack Results | Instr code (hex) |
xor | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0xd |
Exclusive Or. Replaces 2 top stack values with the bitwise exclusive or of those values.
Pre and Post State
SP_post = SP_pre - 1
M_post[SP_post] = M_pre[SP_pre - 1] ^ M_pre[SP_pre]
ldc 0xFF00 ; variant of ldc 0x0FF0
ldc 0xF0F0