Case studies
Consider the following Prop
that models propositions (Boolean
formulas consisting of Boolean literals, variables, negation, and, or,
and implication).
data Prop = Basic Bool | Var Char
| Not Prop
| Prop :/\: Prop | Prop :\/: Prop | Prop :=>: Prop
1 atHome
Define a function printProp :: Prop -> String
which turns the
proposition into a printable String
printProp :: Prop -> String
= case prop of
printProp prop Basic b -> show b
Var v -> [v]
Not p -> "not " ++ parensPrintProp p
:/\: p2 -> parensPrintProp p1 ++ " /\\ " ++ parensPrintProp p2
p1 :\/: p2 -> parensPrintProp p1 ++ " \\/ " ++ parensPrintProp p2
p1 :=>: p2 -> parensPrintProp p1 ++ " => " ++ parensPrintProp p2
p1 where
= "(" ++ s ++ ")"
parens s = parens (printProp p) parensPrintProp p
2 atHome
Define a new printProp' :: Prop -> String
which uses as few
parentheses as possible. For example, Var 'A' :\/: (Var 'B' :\/: Var
should be printed as A \/ B \/ C
Hint: define an auxiliary function printProp'' :: Prop -> (String,
which remembers the top symbol of the formula.
3 atHome
Define a function satisfiable :: Prop -> Bool
which returns True
is the proposition is satisfiable, that is, if there is at least one
assignment of truth values to variables which make the proposition
-- Using or :: [Bool] -> Bool
= or [tv as p | as <- assigns (vars p)]
satisfiable p -- or using any :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
= any (\as -> tv as p) (assigns (vars p)) satisfiable p
4 atHome
Refine the function satisFiable
to return the assignment which makes
the proposition satisfiable. Which should be the type given to such a
-- we can use the function find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a to
-- return the assignment which makes the proposition true.
satisfiable :: Prop -> Maybe (Map Char Bool)
= find (\as -> tv as p) (assigns (vars p)) satisfiable
5 atHome
Recall the following definitions for the ArithExpr
type we used in class:
data ArithOp = Plus | Minus | Times | Div deriving Show
data ArithExpr = Constant Integer
| Variable Char
| Op ArithOp ArithExpr ArithExpr
deriving Show
Extend the definition of ArithExpr
to include exponentiation and
factorial functions. How should the evaluation function eval :: Map
Char Integer -> ArithExpr -> Integer
change to support them?
data UnArithOp = Factorial
data BinArithOp = Plus | Minus | Times | Div | Exp
data ArithExpr = Constant Integer
| Variable Char
| UnOp UnArithOp ArithExpr
| BinOp BinArithOp ArithExpr ArithExpr
eval :: Map Char Integer -> ArithExpr -> Integer
Constant c) = c
eval _ (Variable v) = fromJust (lookup v m)
eval m (UnOp o x) = evalUnOp o (eval m x)
eval m (where evalUnOp Factorial = \x -> product [1 .. x]
BinOp o x y) = evalBinOp o (eval m x) (eval m y)
eval m (where evalBinOp Plus = (+)
Minus = (-)
evalBinOp Times = (*)
evalBinOp Div = div
evalBinOp Exp = (^^) evalBinOp