For the exercises below you may want to consult the functions provided
by the QuickCheck library, in particular functions such as choose
, elements
and frequency
. We encourage experimenting with
your code in an interpreter session. To be able to experiment with
QuickCheck, the first two exercises work better if you can show
functions. For that you can add the following instance definition to
your code:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} -- put this at the top of your file
instance (Enum a, Bounded a, Show a) => Show (a -> Bool) where
show f = intercalate "\n" (map (\x -> "f " ++ show x ++ " = " ++ show (f x)) [minBound .. maxBound])
Also when you run your tests, you sometimes need to specialize the types a bit. For example, the following code calls all kinds of test functions that the exercises below (except for 4) expect you to come up with.
runTests :: IO ()
= do
runTests putStrLn "\nExercise 14.1"
propFilterNoLonger :: (Bool -> Bool) -> [Bool] -> Bool)
quickCheck (propFilterAllSatisfy :: (Bool -> Bool) -> [Bool] -> Bool)
quickCheck (propFilterAllElements :: (Bool -> Bool) -> [Bool] -> Bool)
quickCheck (propFilterCorrect :: (Bool -> Bool) -> [Bool] -> Bool)
quickCheck (putStrLn "\nExercise 14.2"
propMapLength :: (Bool -> Bool) -> [Bool] -> Bool)
quickCheck (putStrLn "\nExercise 14.3"
$ once (propPermsLength :: [Int] -> Bool)
quickCheck $ once (propPermsArePerms :: [Int] -> Bool)
quickCheck $ once (propPermsCorrect :: [Int] -> Bool)
quickCheck putStrLn "\nExercise 14.5"
-- Use forAll to use custom generator
quickCheck (forAll genBSTI isSearchTree)
quickCheck (forAll genBSTI propInsertIsTree) quickCheck (forAll genBSTI propInsertIsTreeWrong)
1 atHome
Consider the ubiquitous filter
function. There are many properties
that you can formulate for the input-output behaviour of filter
Formulate the QuickCheck property that the result list cannot be longer than the input.
propFilterNoLonger :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool = length (filter p xs) <= length xs propFilterNoLonger p xs
Formulate the QuickCheck property that all elements in the result list satisfy the given property.
propFilterAllSatisfy :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool = all p (filter p xs) propFilterAllSatisfy p xs
Formulate the QuickCheck property that all elements in the result list are present in the input list.
propFilterAllElements :: Eq a => (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool = all (`elem` xs) $ filter p xs propFilterAllElements p xs
Formulate a set of QuickCheck properties to completely characterize the
function (you may choose also from among the three you have just implemented). Make sure to remove properties that are implied by (a subset of) the other properties.-- If some element of xs satisfies p it should be in the result propAllPresent :: Eq a => (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool = all notSatisfiedOrPresent xs propAllPresent p xs where = filter p xs ys = not (p x) || x `elem` ys notSatisfiedOrPresent x -- note that this already implies the propFilterAllElements property, -- moreover prevents duplicates (since isIncreasing is strict) propSameOrder :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool = isIncreasing propSameOrder p xs . map snd . filter (p . fst) $ zip xs [0..] where = all (\(x,y) -> x < y) $ zip ys (tail ys) isIncreasing ys = all (\p' -> p' p xs) [ propSameOrder propFilterCorrect p xs , propFilterAllSatisfy , propAllPresent ]
2 atHome
Try to come up with a number of QuickCheck-verifiable properties for
the map
function, and implement these. Are there any properties of
that are awkward to verify?
3 atHome
Consider the function permutations
from the Data.List
which computes all the possible permutations of elements in a list. We
shall be writing QuickCheck tests to verify that this function.
Write a QuickCheck property that checks that the correct number of permutations is generated.
0 = 1 fac = n * fac (n-1) fac n = length (permutations xs) == fac (length xs) propPermsLength xs
Write a function
isPerm :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
that verifies that the two argument lists are permutations of each other.= all (sameNumOcc xs ys) xs && all (sameNumOcc xs ys) ys isPerm xs ys = numOcc xs x == numOcc ys x sameNumOcc xs ys x = length . filter (== x) $ xs numOcc xs x
Write the QuickCheck property that every list in the output of
is a permutation of the input.propPermsArePerms :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool = all (isPerm xs) $ permutations xs propPermsArePerms xs
Formulate a set of properties to completely characterize the
function (you may choose also from among the ones you have just implemented). Make sure to remove properties that are implied by (a subset of) the other properties. Implement the properties that you still need as QuickCheck properties.
4 atHome
Do something similar for the function inits
defined in Lecture 3.
5 atHome
Consider the following datatype definition for binary trees that we shall want to use to implement binary search trees:
data Tree a = Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf
Write a function isSearchTree :: Ord a => Tree a -> Bool
that verifies
that its argument is a binary search tree. Then write a function
genBSTI :: Gen (Tree Int)
that generates binary search trees. Now test the property
that given a binary search tree t
, inserting a value into the
tree results in yet another binary search tree. The code for
inserting a new value into the tree is:
insertTree :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
Leaf = Branch e Leaf Leaf
insertTree e Branch x li re)
insertTree e (| e <= x = Branch x (insertTree e li) re
| e > x = Branch x li (insertTree e re)
Experiment with mutating the implementation of insertTree
find out whether your property can in fact discover that the
mutated implementation no longer maps binary search trees to
binary search trees.