Lecturer: prof. dr Arno Siebes

The Course

In this course we study different ways to battle the pattern explosion by reading and discussing the original research papers that introduced these methods. It is a tough course, you are expected to read up on mathematics you haven't seen before. But it is also a fun course, if (like me) you think that thinking very hard is fun.

Given that all pandemic measures have been lifted and that the we discuss the papers, it is very much preferred that all students come to campus. We will have Teams as a back-up (the measures are lifted, the pandemic is not over), but note that the online experience will be less than the on-site experience.

I will mail all students registered for the course a link for the Teams site in the week of April 25, if you have not received that link by April 28, please send me an email (please us [PSM] in the subject of this email).

The "Library Access" extension for Chrome will allow you to download the papers we discuss from your home (or any other place you happen to be). Check the library site and/or the Chrome Store for more information on this extension.


  • [05-04] The website has been updated
  • [07-04] The slides of the first lecture are here