accelerate- An embedded language for accelerated array processing

accelerate- An embedded language for accelerated array processing

Data.Array.Accelerate defines an embedded array language for computations for high-performance computing in Haskell. Computations on multi-dimensional, regular arrays are expressed in the form of parameterised collective operations, such as maps, reductions, and permutations. These computations may then be online compiled and executed on a range of architectures.

A simple example

As a simple example, consider the computation of a dot product of two vectors of floating point numbers:

dotp :: Acc (Vector Float) -> Acc (Vector Float) -> Acc (Scalar Float)
dotp xs ys = fold (+) 0 (zipWith (*) xs ys)

Except for the type, this code is almost the same as the corresponding Haskell code on lists of floats. The types indicate that the computation may be online-compiled for performance - for example, using Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.PTX it may be on-the-fly off-loaded to the GPU.

See the Data.Array.Accelerate module for further information.

Additional components

The following supported add-ons are available as separate packages. Install them from Hackage with cabal install <package>

  • accelerate-llvm-native: Backend supporting parallel execution on multicore CPUs.
  • accelerate-llvm-ptx: Backend supporting parallel execution on CUDA-capable NVIDIA GPUs. Requires a GPU with compute capability 2.0 or greater. See the following table for supported GPUs:
  • accelerate-examples: Computational kernels and applications demonstrating the use of Accelerate.
  • accelerate-io*: Fast conversions between Accelerate arrays and other array and data formats.
  • accelerate-fft: Discrete Fourier transforms, with FFI bindings to optimised implementations.
  • accelerate-blas: Numeric linear algebra, with FFI bindings to optimised implementations.
  • accelerate-bignum: Fixed-width large integer arithmetic.
  • containers-accelerate: Container types for use with Accelerate.
  • hashable-accelerate: Class for types which can be converted to a hash value.
  • colour-accelerate: Colour representations in Accelerate (RGB, sRGB, HSV, and HSL).
  • containers-accelerate: Hashing-based container types
  • gloss-accelerate: Generate gloss pictures from Accelerate.
  • gloss-raster-accelerate: Parallel rendering of raster images and animations.
  • hashable-accelerate: A class for types which can be converted into a hash value
  • lens-accelerate: Lens operators for Accelerate types.
  • linear-accelerate: Linear vector spaces in Accelerate.
  • mwc-random-accelerate: Generate Accelerate arrays filled with high quality pseudorandom numbers.
Examples and documentation

Haddock documentation is included in the package

The accelerate-examples package demonstrates a range of computational kernels and several complete applications, including:

  • An implementation of the Canny edge detection algorithm
  • Interactive Mandelbrot and Julia set generators
  • A particle-based simulation of stable fluid flows
  • An n-body simulation of gravitational attraction between solid particles
  • An implementation of the PageRank algorithm
  • A simple interactive ray tracer
  • A cellular automata simulation
  • A "password recovery" tool, for dictionary lookup of MD5 hashes

lulesh-accelerate is an implementation of the Livermore Unstructured Lagrangian Explicit Shock Hydrodynamics (LULESH) mini-app. LULESH represents a typical hydrodynamics code such as ALE3D, but is highly simplified and hard-coded to solve the Sedov blast problem on an unstructured hexahedron mesh.

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