

To submit your homework, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the pdf of the exercise set from the list below.
  2. Solve the exercises off-line.
  3. Carefully read the Remindo instructions.
  4. Go to Remindo and fill in your answers.
    Once you close the test in remindo, you can not return to change your answers!

Exercise sets

There are 4 homework exercise sets on the following subjects:

  1. Classification Trees (deadline: Tuesday, September 24, 2024).
  2. Undirected Graphical Models (deadline: Tuesday, October 1, 2024).
  3. Frequent Pattern Mining (deadline: Tuesday, October 8, 2024).
  4. Bayesian Networks (deadline: Tuesday, October 22, 2024).

We will make use of Remindo for all homework exercise sets.