INFOMMMI (Multimodal Interaction)
3rd quarter, 2023/2024, timeslot D, 7.5 ECTS
Below you find the necessary information for the project. If you have any related questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
The following document contains detailed information about the project and related deliverables (including the pitch presentation, project plan, intermediate presentation, project report & paper, and final presentations and meetings). Also notice the grading information a the end.
Templates for the project plan and peer assessment: Template for the scientific paper (ACM CHI Extended Abstracts template):- LaTeX Template:
- Overleaf project: template in Overleaf
- Microsoft Word Template: SIGCHI-CHI20-Sample-EA.docx
Helpful literature
- General study design: Goodwin, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 8
- Johnson & Christensen: Educational research, Chapter 3 (pages 59 till 64 describing the "development of a research idea" can be quite helpful in finding a research question)
- Creswell: Research design, Chapter 7 (might be helpful when phrasing your research question)