Interesting links and Course evaluations


Applications of probabilistic graphical models exist for several different problem domains. The following list of references point to a collection of well-known networks in different formats (some are toy-examples!), and some papers about different Bayesian networks constructed in our Department. The Bayesialab conference website also has videos that present applications.


Data sets

A selection of Bayesian network application papers

Other links

Course evaluation

To guard the quality of our educational programme, each year every course is evaluated by the students that registered for the course. The student feedback helps instructors to evaluate and if necessary adapt and improve their courses, and their teaching.  For the evaluations to be useful it is necessary that a large number of participants fill out the evaluation forms.

The probabilistic reasoning course is intended to be interesting, motivating, perhaps a bit difficult now and again but doable, challenging and enjoyable. Last, but not least, we hope that you feel that you have learnt many useful things.

Please let us know by filling out the evaluation form.  Suggestions from the evaluations have for example resulted in online and numbered slides, practical assignments, in a change of notation, more solutions to exercises, an index, etc.

Those who are interested, can view the evaluations of previous years. For each evaluation the number of registrants (union of OSIRIS subscribers and participants) is listed, in addition to the number of participants (distinct students that participated in and submitted at least one exam in that year), and the number of respondents (students that filled out the evaluation form).