Lecture schedule

The lecturing schedule with slides are given below. The slides will be updated as the course progresses.

Note that the slides may not be a complete representation of the material covered in the lectures. We may supply extra information not on the slides; verbally, on the blackboard, by coding live, et cetera. This extra material is examinable.

NOTE: The slides in this table with “(OLD)” are last years’ slides; they will be updated as we go.

Week Date Topics Material Deadlines
46 11/11 Mon 17:15
12/11 Tue 15:15
14/11 Thu 9:00
Introduction (Ivo)
Haskell recap (Optional, Ivo)
Threads 1 (Tom)

Chp. 7: Threads & MVars
47 18/11 Mon 17:15
21/11 Thu 9:00
Threads 2 (Ivo)
Threads 3 (Tom)
Chp. 8: the Async example  
48 25/11 Mon 17:15
28/11 Thu 9:00
29/11 Fri 23:59
No lecture because of protests
STM 1 (Tom)
Chp. 10: STM, stm on Hackage
Beautiful concurrency

49 2/12 Mon 15:15
5/12 Thu 9:00
Delta stepping (Ivo)
STM 2 (Tom)
50 9/12 Mon 15:15
12/12 Thu 9:00
Parallelism (Tom)
51 17/12 Tue 13:30
19/12 Thu 9:00
20/12 Fri 23:59
Mid-session exam
No lecture
All lectures up to and including STM, except Delta stepping

P2: Delta stepping
2 7/1 Tue 13:15
9/1 Thu 9:00
Accelerate (Tom)
Data Parallelism 1 (Ivo)
3 13/1 Mon 15:15
16/1 Thu 9:00
Data Parallelism 2 (Ivo)
Data Parallelism 3 (Ivo)
4 21/1 Tue 13:15
23/1 Thu 9:00
24/1 Fri 23:59
Work & Span (Ivo)
Conclusion (Ivo)

P3: Quickhull
5 28/1 Tue 13:30 Final exam All lectures from Parallelism to Work & Span  
? ? Retake exam